Wednesday, September 29, 2010

"You don't need a spleen when you have Hart"

Alright, this might seem redundant, but I felt like writing about this.

So, for the first about 13 or 14 years of my life, I hadn't really met much of my extended family.
I'm sure (if you've read anything previous) that you can tell I have a strong sense of family. I love having people that care about me and that i care for and that I can share anything with.
Anyway, Mum and I had been kinda close with her side of the family-I spent a few spring breaks up at Gramma and Grampa's place and Uncle Jason was really the only uncle I knew. When we lived in California, Granma Debbie (or Gran), Aunt Sarah, and Lil Sarah (who everybody called Micheal) were out there with us for awhile.
But then Bandito starting getting in touch with his brothers and sisters more. He and Sarah had always been close because they are two years apart. So I started sorta talking them too. My intro was something like this: "Hi! I'm Aimee, Rusty's daughter. He told me you were his sibling and I really wanted to meet you!"

Sounds kinda creeper-ish to me.

Side-note: Everybody called Bandito Rusty as a kid 'cause he had red hair and 'cause it went with his middle name.

Anyway, the summer Mr. Motion-Sick aka S first rode a roller coaster, Bandito's crew was all going up to Branson (Rebecca's grandparents keep two trailers up there). So since a.) Bandito hadn't seen Uncle Justin in awhile, b.) the kiddorks had never met that side of the family, and c.) Gran was living in OK at the time, we went through Oklahoma. That's when I first met my Great-Aunt Gerry and Great Uncle, who have this amazingly beautiful ranch. Then we headed up to Uncle Justin's place (who also has a very beautiful piece of land) and I met two of my cousins.
Couple years later, Bandito tells me, "So I was talking to your Aunt Stephanie the other day...."
So, I knew Bandito was the youngest of Gran's kids but that Papa had a younger son. I'd only ever seen pictures of Jeremy (actually James-there are at least 3 men in my family named James) and it was from he was about 13 and I was maybe seven and it was an old picture. Anyway, I asked about this mysterious Stephanie and Bandito said "What're you on about? I've talked about Stephanie and Michelle before! They're my dad's kids (I've not once heard Bandito call Papa "your grandfather" to me. It's always "my dad".), he adopted 'em."
So after my shock of discovering I have way more family than I thought, Aunt Sarah gets it in her head to have big family things for holidays. Which I am FANTASTICALLY Ok with.
Last Thanksgiving, we had a HUGE shindig because Aunt Sarah, Uncle Matt, Lil Sarah and Cullin were all moving to Holland for a year and then Oregon after that. So, Gran, most of Sarah's crew, including Sarah, Matt, Seth, Cullin, Micheal, and Grady, Bandito's crew, incompassing Bandito, Rebecca, ART, ARC, S, and myself, and Uncle Jeremy and the Twins, Dash and Chance, all spent most of the holiday together. This was also the first time S and I met Papa. Aunt Steffy's birthday was also being held that week and she had invited Bandito's crew, so yeah we went. I met Steffy and my first thought was "Wait, she's adopted? You're sure she's not blood-related to me?" Steffy's a little odd-ball and random as all. I love her to pieces. I also met Uncle Josh and Aunt Michelle finally and they're FANTASTIC. Michelle's daughter is the same age as me (there's three of us that graduated this past year-Caitlin, Taylor, and I) and her son is around a year old.
So, there I was, with all this family and SUPER DOOPER EXCITED about it. It just gives me an awesome feeling when I look in my phone and see Aunt Steffy's number or get on Facebook and see Aunt Sarah post something about familia.

Anyway, I'm off to History! yay!

It just makes me feel good when



  2. and am I the ONLY one who comments your blog or what??!

  3. 1.) You and Meggie need to hang out more...
    2.) I was gunna ask you that!
    3.) for the most part, yes...
