Saturday, September 11, 2010

9/11/10 Never forget.

Nine years ago today, a nation cried.

We cried for our lost loved ones, we cried for the heroes, we cried for those who had lost, even if we did not lose ourselves, we cried together.

Then we stood up. We helped each other to our feet. We wiped away the tears, and we stood against those who brought us down.

September 11, 2001, I was home sick with a fever. I was 9, in the fourth grade. And didn't really understand. I understood that people were dead, were hurt, when the first plane hit. I had been watching Magic School Bus when out of nowhere, I see this tower, belching fire and smoke, hearing the anchorman keeping his voice under control. I sat in shock for a few moments before going to get Mum up, needing to understand. The news said things like "terrorism", which I didn't understand. I remember hearing her come into the living room and one of the kids was kind of awake,I think it was N. I was entranced by the TV, and just barely saw it and yelled, "Mom, there's another-" as the second plane hit and we both yelped in shock.
The kiddos were little and don't remember. N wasn't even a year old and S was not quite three. I remember being scared for my classmates as I saw the plane in Pennsylvania. I was truly terrified when they showed the Pentagon, knowing it was government and Bandito being in the Navy at the time. I just sat in the floor crying most of the day, getting the jist but not entirely understanding. i kept turning to ask Mum what something meant, only to have my answer muffled with tears.
I watched them fall, feeling the blood rush from my face, knowing there were still people in the buildings, felt a terrible gut-wrench as I knew there were thousands dead.
I went to school the next day after having cried myself to sleep. Everyone was sullen and upset-the teachers really did try to hide what they felt from the kids, to protect us. I remember we made a flag that day, the twelve or so of us in my class. Band that morning dragged on forever, some of us choking and crying during the moment of silence, and unable to play God Bless America, someone bursting into tears every few lines.
When I finally did understand, when I knew what had happened fully, when my questions had been answered, I was angry.
And now we fight.
I remember the Middles asking "Why?" last year on this day. They didn't understand. So Mum and I showed them. They cried too, as they understood.
Now, I watch the images again, remembering how I felt. I pray for those hurt and those we lost.
I remember.

1 comment:

  1. I'm pretty sure it was one of the most helpless times in my life, watching you struggle to understand, and not being able to explain it well enough for you, in a way you could understand but not be abso-frickin-lutely terrified. I think you seeing it was both a blessing and a curse. I remember honestly thinking it might be the end, and wondering if I would tell you if I knew more was coming, and trying to function and be strong and not succeeding.
