Sunday, September 12, 2010

Be Like That (current song BTW) or My narcissism

Today was spent in a fit of death rampage to your mind randomosity. Shut up, Mozilla, it's a word. Since my roommate was kind enough to tell college to fuck itsself apparently never show up, my neighbor across the hall, Phuong, and I hang out a lot. Mozilla, shut up, it's Vietnamese. Anyway, today I was just opening the door to leave to fight the zombies for breakfast as she was about to knock on my door. So after breakfast we went around every floor of the residence hall and wrote on most of the name decals and every single marker board. It was fantastic. Now I'm spending my afternoon reading. I should mention I have a pancake WTF look on my face. Okay, sorry, I LOVE strike-outs. Makes a somewhat interesting blog mildly hilarious. It's what I'm actually thinking instead of what actually transpired.
Anyway, I'm reading stuff I wrote from the time I was 12 I think. Every time I happen to pause, I'm either thinking, "Hey, I wrote that, awesome," or slamming my head on the desk making the people in the lab question my sanity. 'Cause really, some of it is really *headdesk* worthy if you read it and realized that the mind vomit creation burning your irises sitting before you is YOURS.
Anyway, I'll admit I'm none too proud of some of the things I've made my characters do. Or had them say. Or of the characters themselves. But it doesn't matter because now they exist. On the internet, on paper, in my head which is not a safe place for someone to exist entirely.
Would it be considered narcissism that the majority of my characters are based on me? I guess so. If you do happen to read or have read anything I've created, you know this. And probably if you've read any of it I may or may not have based a character of you. If you can't tell, you FAIL.
Anyways, I'm going through my LJ and found my first long story. And kind of wanted to hit all of the people with shovels threw up a little. Yeah. It's terrible. It's angsty teenage magic drama based on my REAL life. I love the characters to pieces, but frankly, I just wanna cry at the story. And I can't re-write it because that is who they are, it's their story not mine, and I may have killed them once or twice or multiple ways to try and get rid of them I can't because they're too much a part of me. If I got rid of them fully, I'd die a little myself.
So to take my mind off of all the copy pasta I've made, I figured I'd write today's blog.
Also, TE owes me 20 bucks.
Anyway, TE and Mimi are the only people who should have if SOMEONE hadn't lost their CD copy of it have read pretty much all I've written. Right now Mum's going "WTH why haven't I?" Because of the terrible, terrible jokes and my blood pressure. It took a LOT of begging and convincing for Mimi to get copies. That and the thought of Mum reading some of it before I'm any less awkward just makes me wanna move to Canada and change my name to Carly hide in a fridge box forever. IDK why it just does.
But yeah, I'll let the world read SOME. Some of it will make a lot of people go O.o "Aimee wrote this?!?!" Yeah it's like that.

Alright, back to the *headdesk*ing

ta-ta for now!