Sunday, September 26, 2010

<--- That?

First off, let me say, I'm thinking of changing the name of my blog. The current one was spur of the moment and I've been thinking and I just don't feel like it works. I'm totally open to suggestions! Second, if you have suggestions about anything you'd like to see me rant and rave about talk about, just lemme know. Again, open for anything! Third, SORRY for not posting yesterday Mimi who has had a blog for two weeks and posted twice EVAR .

Also, as a pre-warning, I'm doing something I usually don't. So, next line is like WHOA to some.

So, today I went to church.
I haven't gone in awhile. TBH I haven't been to a service since camp.
Yeah, I know, shame, shame.
Thing is, I wasn't raised going to church. Only time I ever went as a kid was with babysitters. It just wasn't something we did.

Let me rewind.

Over the past few years, with my whole being a better person and helping others thing, I've decided I could do that better with God in my life. So, I've really been trying to get on the train. I'd been doing...well, not really good TBH.
I guess He knows what I need to do that. My TOTALLY AWESOME RA, Kait, invited me to Bible Talk one day. So, of course I went.
And I loved it.
I loved the atmosphere, the people. I loved the great discussions we got into about whatever passage we were talking about.
I wanna say it really opened my eyes.
But like I said, He knows what I need to help Him, so He put these people in my life and I'm thankful for it.

I went with the BT group to church today. It was fantastic and amazing. I just...IDK. I felt amazing. Like, THAT was where I needed to be, THAT was going to help be who I wanted to become, who I feel I need to be.
SO! I'm feeling more fantastic than I have in awhile. I suppose I feel more...complete is the word that comes to mind.

So, yeah. There's my abnormal post for the week!

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