Wednesday, September 22, 2010

High School. Blech.

As I'm sure some of you know, I was terribly awkward in high school.

Hell, I still am.

But anyway, I was always the oddball of the bunch.
I should mention that in high school my class was pretty much the same nine people we'd had since third grade. My Junior year there was only five of us and we graduated ten.
I can already here the "LOLWHUT"s of some people. I hear it all the time. People don't believe me half the time, but it's true.
I was the valedictorian, Aaron was the salutatorian, TE, Blanca, Felicia, Corrina, Jeff, Jesus, and Becca. All of us had been together since sixth grade at the least. Half-way through our Senior year Kelsey joined us and it was kind of awkward at first because we had all been together so long, but I liked her because she made me seem like less of an oddball and she was fantastic.
Anyway, one of them mentioned something I did in high school and I just turned around and told them to shut up. One of those things I didn't want to remember yanno?
I was more than just socially awkward, too. I've mentioned I'm a clumsy little shit right? OK. Yeah. It made life way more awkward than it was.
Anyway, about Junior year I finally stopped being as awkward. I still was, but I was more outgoing. I remember offering to walk by a group of guys who had been hitting on one of my friends and tell them to leave my girlfriend alone at a basketball game.
I did a few other crazy things, too, and I  would run back to my group of friends, terribly red in the face but grinning because they were laughing.
I'm also easily embarrassed.
VERY easily.
The people I work with at camp and have for years know this very well and ALWAYS exploit it. I can try and hide it, but my ears, neck and face all get really, really red when I'm embarrassed, no matter how much I cover it.
Anyway, high school was weird for me. The oddball in a small class. But I loved it and made the best of it I suppose, 'cause I loved it for the most part.


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