Tuesday, September 14, 2010

My neighbor put pink stickers on my door....

I come home yesterday to find my door PLASTERED with stickers. Shiny fish stickers. After staring at it for a minute or so because I'm easily distracted by shiny stuff, I saw my name done in stickers too. It was done in pink.
Frankly, I believe whoever invented the color pink should be strung up on a rack and pulled slowly apart for eternity.
Can you tell I don't like it?
I just think it's gross. Like dog crap gross.
Anyway, I left the pink stickers because they were not solely pink (they had different designs on 'em) and because it was artsy. And I will pretty much always permit artsy.
So that's why the title anyway.

Today, I get to run around with an invisibility cloak scaring the shit out of people doing stuff that nobody really wants to do but it needs to be done. Well, some it I kinda wanna do because I WOULD like some incoming money. For one, I have to go ask for a letter verifying that I go to school so that I can get the rest of my scholarship money. Le sigh. I emailed them once asking and they just blew me off. Secondly, I have to go talk to Student Employment and get a job because, somehow, going to school completely on scholarships and being from a low-income family, I don't qualify for work-study. WTF!

So, yeah, running around.
And next Tuesday I have to go BACK to the department of revenue and give them copies of my birth certificate. (I didn't have it because we moved-a lot and it got lost along the way, but Bandito was wonderful enough to get it for me, even though his name wasn't on it, so I blame part of my difficulties on the Catholic hospital I was born in, who wouldn't put his name on it 'cause he and Mum weren't married. Pfft.) I also have to have my mother sign an "affidavit of identity" whatever the hell that is, which I can't because it's too long a trip for them to make. The Toaster-on-Wheels would not make it and SD hates city driving. Also, it'd have to be during the week, which means possibly leaving the kiddos with a baby-sitter. Anyway, gunna see if Mum can go to the DMV down their, sign this piece of crap, and have them fax it up.

Life frustrates me, in small ways, but still....


PS: My friend Emma mentioned me in her blog
Go check it out. She's a fantastic writer, I must add.

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