Tuesday, September 21, 2010

'Cause of Harry Freakin' Potter, that's why!

So, I'm a fanatic.
Positively, absolutely, LOVE Harry Potter.
For one, it was the first chapter book I ever truly loved. I remember I was about six or seven-ish (yes, I was reading chapter books by then. I LOVED to read.) and somehow this book fell into my hands. I think Mum got it cheap at a sale of some sort. It sat on my shelf for awhile until I finally decided to sit down and read it.
By page three, I was hooked.
I didn't it put down at all that day.
And then I read it again.
And again.
Then I found the second one.
And 'bout had a conniption. (WTF I spelled that right?)
So, I had one of my first real obsessions other than PBS shows and waffles and Duplo blocks.
I read one and two so many times I could direct quote them, almost to the page. My copy of Sorcerer's Stone was beaten, bruised, and terribly well-loved. I would've kept it forever if a certain little brother of mine and father of mine hadn't connived to rid me of it certain circumstance hadn't come into play.
Thankfully, TE also had a visit from the Obsession Fairy and had all of the books as soon as they were published. So I borrowed hers until S was old enough to appreciate having books for Christmas (trust me, EVERYONE gets books for Christmas with both of my families AND they are excited about it) and he got his first set of HP. Shortly after that N got hers, so there were some in my room! Then I was scouting garage sales and cheap used books and such and I got a couple for Christmas and birthdays and whatnot.
I remember I got Order of the Phoenix for Christmas one year because I stayed in the bedroom until dinner and one of the grown-ups made me put it down. Half-Blood Prince came out the summer I was staying with Bandito. I was baby-sitting for one of his work buddies and I brought OotP with me one day and they were like, "OMG you like HP too?!"
I should mention they were some of the nicest, greatest people I ever sat for. And their kids were fantastic!
So, they go to pick me up one day, and in the seat I usually take is HBP and I flip out. They just said, "That's your payment for this week," and I was completely content.
So of course, I read it in under 24 hours.
Then Deathly Hallows is soon to come out. I begged and pleaded for Mum to pre-order it for me. I payed for it, of course, so she did.
It fell apart within a week.
Also, in the months before DH was released, Mum had finally started reading HP. She swore up and down for ten years she wouldn't read it until it was all published so she didn't have to wait for it.I walked into the living room one night when she was reading to find her crying over HBP and I just said, "Told ya you'd cry!"
Anyway, DH fell apart and I about cried. Luckily, it was a slow deterioration. And S and N were racing each other until N got ahead and S just went hit stuff with his lightsaber. He wants to know what happened in DH and I told him he had to finish OotP and HBP first. Luckily, I was able to obtain another copy of DH and that's the copy I took when I moved out. So I had all of them but Prisoner of Azkaban and Mum's house had all of them but HBP.
And I've read them all at least once a year since.
So, my whole thing with Harry Freakin' Potter.
First, when I read them, I realize my life's not so bad. I'm not being hunted by the most terrifying wizard in history or carrying part of his soul.
Second, I'm a writer.
I only WISH and dream of the fame JK has. I can only see wisps of people loving my characters as much as they love Harry and crew. I also envy that she has finished SEVEN books while I have SEVERAL in the works and not a single one finished. Sure, I have endings written. I have beginnings, middles, what-not.
But not enough.
One of these days, I'll finish one.
Personally, I hope it's Lorlissa's story, mostly because she is nothing like me. Lissa is not even one speck based on me-that's why I like her so much. Most of my characters are, which is why I'm a narcissist.
That, and I really love that story. I just need more for it.

One of my drawings of Lissa

So, in conclusion, J.K. Rowling and the massive fandom she has created make me jealous. The sheer amount of people that love what she made makes me awe. I just want people to love my characters as I love them, I want people to expand on their stories, to wrap themselves in them.

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