Monday, September 13, 2010

Student+dying=Studying, which is what I should be doing the rest of the week instead of blogging.

So, started off good today. Went to the gym, worked out a bit, got to swim (my shoulders REALLY hurt), chatted with Josh and Emily in history, ta-duh ta-duh ta-duh (as Wags says). So anyway, I'm taking Japanese this semester. WHY would someone do that might you ask? Well, you see, for one, I'm bent on world domination I'm insane. Obviously. For two, American Sign Language ( which I want to learn SO BAD-I think it's amazing), French, and German were full. Fantastic right? And I really don't get along with Spanish. I don't get along with other spoken languages at all really. Stupid English-I don't get along with it well either, matter of fact. Ask anyone who has heard me talk since I was about eight. Yeah. That's part of why I want to take ASL so bad.
So, I need language arts credits.
I hate taking English classes. I really do. I hate them so much.
And then people ask me what I like to do for a hobby/passion/obsession.
I like to write.
Yeah, I know, WTF right?
But anyway, I wasn't going to take English when I had things like Japanese and ASL for the taking.
SO, get to Japanese today, and was totally confused again. I mean, I can understand what's said, but only if I've heard it so many times. The formula for me understanding a word and its meaning in another language should look like this:

But actually looks like this:

So, in conclusion, I have a hard time understanding.
Anyway, I get the syllabary (alphabet) and it's sounds. It's just putting them together to make words. And then there are four different tenses and at least three different ways to end a word with that tense.

So yeah, it's difficult.

But, I'd rather struggle through then not do it at all. My alter ego, the one who does what it should, just smacked actual me with a shovel, BTW.

Also, Calvin's freaking adorable. Seriously, he makes my day.
So, I have a writing test on Thursday and a Comprehension test on Friday. Which means my Thursday morning/night has just been dedicated to the library.


Later on, I shall post about how the kids who were the original Toy Story generation now HAVE kids who are the new TS generation.

Ta-ta for now,

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