Thursday, September 23, 2010

Let's take a walk...

...In my imagination!

I know, scary thought, right?
I believe I said something about it once. Something about Willy Wonka and Tim Burton having a love-child and that child having a child with Anne Rice and J.K. Rowling's love-child, who was doing acid when it had a love-child, who made a movie, which is my imagination.

Just ignore the above paragraph.

So, the people that live in my imagination.

I should start with Kamalina Tamora MacSnickrowlini. Shut up, I KNOW it's a dumb name. It sounded cool when I was 13. I just call her Kammi. She is basically my alter ego. I like to think, whenever I write something that embarrasses me, it was her doing it.
She's Mickey's daughter, who was my very first character.
Their story, which I lovingly call dumb crap I wrote as a kid B.Y.T.Y.F.I.N. or By Ty Fin. Anyway, basically, it's hodge-podge of Star Wars/Harry Potter/Lord of the Rings/Whatever. The family's dysfunctional, they have magic powers, and they're on a weird quest. For the most part anyway.

Then there's Violet. She sprang to life as I was reading Twifaillight and Diana Gabaldon's Outlander series, which I LOVE. Anyway, Vi travels back in time to meet these "vampirates". Yeah, MOST unimaginative thing I ever wrote. Also most blush worthy. Mimi is supposed to be reading it and I'm a little scared of what she's going to say about it. Also, when I finally am drunk enough or have enough balls get around to letting my mother read it, I can just see her reading one part and laughing her ass off and saying "I KNEW IT!".

Pandora. Ahh, Pandora. There's a reason my screen name is Pandora's 7. I started it as a NaNoWriMo project, or National Novel Writing Month, which is in November. I didn't finish, but I'm going to try this year. Anyway, Pandora has to go save Dream-World after opening up a box that released the "seven sins" into that world.Pretty much, I'm Pandora's Jimmeny Cricket, taking notes on her adventures.
Also, PatBo7, is random as HELL. No kidding.

Edit: I can't believe I forgot dear, sweet, Jo. Joella is maid. Not just any maid-she's a princess maid. No, she isn't a princess. She is trained to help raise and to serve princesses. Once that princess marries, Jo moves on to another. She was born in Snow White's father's house. She grew up alongside the girl. Anyway, more to point, Joella works for a lot of Fairy Tale princesses or is somehow involved with them.

Alyciana, or Aly,  is my fan-fic character of Alice in Wonderland. THAT story is weird. Haven't gotten very fair on that one. I need to do some more in-depth AiW research.

Antalli and co. I don't want to give it away. Anyway, girl is born, girl is raised as boy so she isn't killed, girl finds out she's the object of a prophecy, girl helps restore kingdom. Not saying anymore than that because "Of Fire" is TWISTED.

Ali (so WHUT if I have two totally different characters with the same names?), Sabrina, Lily, Luna and Emma are all minor beings. They all have a story, but it's short story type thing. Just things I thought up and jotted down.

Ah yeah, Lorlissa. Well. I don't wanna talk about her because I don't want to give anything away!! But I started to, so I gotta! Anyway, she's this elf in a kingdom ruled by what's called the Prism Court-eight rulers in all. The Court killed her family and she has to find out why and exact her revenge. It's..REALLY good. It's really my favorite, in terms of story line.

Also, if you've glanced at "Of Fire" and Lorlissa's story, you know I am a pyromaniac and REALLY like fire have a general theme.

If you want to read anything just ask. I MIGHT e-mail it unless I already did so because some people FAIL at number 3.


P.S. TE is writing a blog! This is truest of trufax.

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