Friday, September 10, 2010

Bloggity blog blog!

Well, at the persuading of Mrs. B, , and Emma, , I'm writing a blog. Pfft.

So, to start off, what you need to know!

One, read Mrs. B's blog. Pretty much explains WHY I do some of what I do.
 Two, I like the letter Q. Its a generally lonely letter and no one else seems to like it. So I use it a lot.
 Three, I come from a big family, small town. Not Duggar-esque, but everyone asks if we're Catholic. No, Mum's just fertile and birth control resistant, meaning that we are that Xth% fail rate. But yanno what? I don't care. I like having a big family. Also, there are step-sibs, since Mum and El Bandito (that's mine and S's dad BTW) divorced and married people with two kids each.
 Four, there is no four, I'm baking/fighting a fire/at a soup kitchen/teaching/writing/WHATEVS.
 Five, I'm a Random Acts of Kindness (RAoK) type. I love doing it.
 Six, I don't believe in flaws. I believe in imperfections that make us perfect. We have them because without, we are all grey blobs. Also, Mozilla, you can just stop telling me how to spell grey. GREY GREY GREY! Mum says that's why I'm so accepting of people who are "different". TBH, I don't believe in "different" either. We're all people, and contrary to Tyler Durden, we ARE all beautiful and unique snowflakes. That's just how I see the world, through my super-glued formerly Coke-bottle glasses.

 Alright, so that's what's important I guess (haven't done this before, cut me some slack).

 So, the name of this blog, The Road to Hell is Paved with Good Intentions. Hmm. Well, I have every intention of doing quiet good in the world. I say quiet because I'm terrible with compliments etc. I'm terribly nervous and shy. When people tell me I've done good, I get red and embarrassed and just wanna run-over there. Anyway, enough insecurities. Back to the name. I've been dealt a slightly rough hand. Like, a two of hearts and eight of clubs-you can't really do shit with it, but don't let everyone else think that, and you could just win the whole pot.

Just thought I should mention people in my life, so people know who the hell I'm talking about.
Mrs. B.-Obvs, go read the blog. Makes it kind of obvious.
S (or Bratmeister)-My Bubba. He's my third oldest little brother and a little shit to boot. I raised him good.
N (Or my first twin)-I gotta mention that as Littles (0-5) and kinda Middles (6-12) Mum's kids all look pretty much the same, we just each had something different (I had red hair and dimples, S had a mullet, N had HUGE ASS freckles, R had beautiful golden hair, Lil A had Curly Q hair). Anyway, N looked just like me, Lil A looks just like both of us.
R (Little Man)-Youngest brother, Baby Player if there ever was one. He's adorable and he KNOWS it.
Lil A (or A2 or Goose) Well, I'm Big A so she can't be just A. She's the baby, one of the BIGGESt doofuses I know, (that's why we call her Goose, 'cause since she was like four months old we've called her Silly Goose).
ART-My second oldest step-bro. I can't really call him my "little" brother because he stands at 6' 3" at 15 years old. Anyway, he's a great kid and I love him to pieces.
ARC-My oldest little sister. She is The Ebstie all over again-tomboy thru and thru. Those two were peas in a pod at my HS grad party. ARC also has an odd blood disorder but is coming out on top of it, thankfully.
W-Mr. B's first kid. W lives on the East Coast with his mother and we've never been able to meet him. It's sad and I really wish we could.
Mr. B-My other dad. I don't really call him step-dad 'cause he really is my other dad.
El Bandito-My dad-dad. So much to say and not even room. He's also S's dad. I call him Bandito because 1) I started calling him Papito, made a rhyme about him, and Bandito stuck and 2) he lives in NM and likes to make Mexican food and is one of the whitest dudes I know.
Mrs. Bandito-My stepmom. Yeah, we fought a LOT. Not gunna lie. I once got so mad at her that I...well, I did some stupid stuff, 'cause I figured it was my fault, and all I wanted was for her to like me.
THE EBSTIE-This is my other half. No lie. TE has been my best friend and sister for what, eleven years now? Crap. Anyways, I seriously could not function without her and everyone at home was like "OMG you two are separating?!?!" Our names were even combos from our mothers (and teachers) yelling at us. It was just easier to call us both, since we'd both go anyway.
Mam-Okay, so Mam is like the big sister I never had, and she says I'm like her little sister (since she was the baby). We kind of just adopted each other end of last year-ish and I go over and beat up her husband and play with the kids all the time.
JoZaSaLi-My "nephews and niece", Mam's kids. I love 'em to pieces.
Mimi-She's like my awesome aunt-type person-like a mom, but a sister too. TE and I call her Ma. Anyways, she's taken care of *coughmentallyabused* us since we were little seventh graders, who turned into the kids who stole her car her heart.
MCG-My guardian angel. Srsly. Everyone has to have one, and she's it.

OMG I wrote a lot. Besides, IT'S GAME NIGHT IN MY DORM!

Until I figure a catchy sign-off, ta-ta for now!