Tuesday, October 12, 2010

My argument is invalid, chap.


I haven't posted in DAYS.

I've been pretty busy-it's mid-term week so I've been stuDYING a lot and trying to have some down time so I don't over stress.

I would like to mention November is coming up.
That means fire fighter banquet, Thanksgiving, and...duh dun..NaNoWriMo!!

For those that don't know, NaNoWriMo is National Novel Writing Month. Thousands of writers from around the world get together, competing against each other and themselves. The challenge? To write 50,000 words of a story in a month, basically, create a novel.
I know what you're saying. "yeah, sure, whatever, sounds easy."
No, no it isn't.
You learn things about yourself during NaNo. Your limits, you're favorite kinds of caffeine, how to conquer your new carpal tunnel condition, your faith in yourself and your story, and how far you are willing to push your sanity for the accomplishment.
I did my first NaNo last year. I failed. Epically. I had maybe 10k.
So, my challenge this year is to get at least half-way. Traditionally, NaNo'ers outline a story in October, having everything planned out to write in November. We are encouraged to start new stories.
Mine is technically new. I've never put much work into it, until now. I even did RESEARCH for it. I mostly just have little tid bits written. We don't worry about fitting it all together just yet. That's what December is for. Editing.
My favorite quote from the e-mail NaNo sends beginning of October to remind us all of our previous failure the torture we are about to willingly endure the task we have set ourselves:

inner editor will be very grumpy about this, but your inner
editor is a nitpicky jerk who foolishly believes that it is
possible to write a brilliant first draft if you write it slowly enough."


Which is terribly, terribly true. My editing self is kind of a prick. She yells at my writing self a lot: 'Why is this here?" "How is this even relevant?" 'You'd better find a way to tie this in better..."
So, I invite you all to share in my insanity, grief, and eventual hysterics trying to prove something-that I AM insane but look what comes out of it!!

I'll keep you updated on my progress and I'll post the finished product on Chaos' sister blog, Soap .


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